Thursday, May 24, 2007


What a day! What a day! Samantha has pretty yucky she'll claw off her feet when they get fired up. Well, we ran out of the Rx hydro cortisone cream so off we went to the Allergy Doc today to get a refill (we hadn't been in 15 months so they wouldn't call one in for us). He wasn't really thrilled to see us in that her allergies aren't getting any better and when they don't grow out of them it generally turns to asthma and starts internalizing and affecting the pulmonary system...not news the mommy wanted to hear. We're going for a blood test this afternoon so that we can start monitoring the levels of her allergies for future reference.

We came home with Zyrtec twice a day (an adult dose), two different creams (one for her face and one for her body) and one more over the counter, general body cream. Yikes!

The good news: "God protects the children" the doctor said. That was in reference to her reaction to nuts; he said that the life threatening responses don't normally start until around twelve--until then they normally throw it up and break out in hives. Another good thing is that since Jack decided to get intasesseption twice and stay overnight at TCH we've met our deductible for the year so the entire rest of the year is covered for all of us...Rx and Doctors! YAHOOO!

Michael also got good and bad news yesterday on his eyes. His right eye is still very dry and made no progress this last month, so they (the doctor who did the lasik surgery) referred him to the dry-eye specialist in Houston. Lucky for us our health insurance will cover it so we are definitely going to take them up on this new treatment plan.

Finally on the doctor front, Jack's "puncture wound" bill came in and the Doctor's visit alone was $126!!! That was ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SIX DOLLARS for 5 minutes and half of that time was spent filling out paperwork. It took literally 1 minute to put the Dermabond on and I think it took one and a half minutes for the nurses and I to blow his head dry. Dude...that's a lot of money for $ I called them today to see if they'll reduce it. I have my fingers crossed.

Well, that's been my's yours?? :)


~aj~ said...

If you're able to convince them to reduce the charges then your powers of persuasion are better than mine. I'm still fighting a $19 overcharge from last September!!! I absolutely refuse to pay it at this point based on principle alone! ;)

I hate it that Samantha's allergies are so bad. I've never had an allergy issue a day in my life, but our poor Ozzie suffers with them constantly. I know it would be even harder to see your child dealing with it.

Anonymous said...

Bless Miss Sam's heart--her nose did 'run' almost the whole time we were there visiting. And my eyes have been itching & watering ever since then, too--so, it wasN'T just your cats--wanted you to know.
But, the Dr. said they could go ahead & do my Lasiks, even with my allergies. So, they don't 'hold up' everything, thank goodness!!!
That's GREAT your deductible is ALL PAID UP, already this year!!! But, just hope you don't have too much more to 'add' to it!!! Love You, Mom