Sunday, July 01, 2007

Remember when I said...

I'd bitten off more than I could chew with working and 2 weeks of VBS? Well, I was right--it was too much for all of us. Ends up we've ALL been sick at some point the last two weeks. Nice. Both kids with fever (Jack doing his best to get it REALLY high again), Michael and Jack with snots, mom and kids with tummy troubles, blah, blah, blah. The good news is that I play a pretty cool camel and that we're headed out of town this week to go visit the Great Grandparents in Arkansas.

The first two nights of the camel puppet were downers because you couldn't hear me...not because my mouth isn't big enough, there were just too many kids and the microphones weren't working. But once we got that worked out, nights three and four were a hoot. Spitting and everything. Amy (their children's minister) and I make a really good team. Can I tell you that I miss my friends, my sisters and my brothers at that church? I do like where we are, and I am certain that in time I will grow to love them like I do West U, but I'm not there, yet.

I think Jack is playing the part of a two year old QUITE well. All in one breath he can yell, "I want applejuice; I don't want applejuice; I want applejuice!!!" The cool thing is that there's no response needed from me...I can't get a word in edgewise.

We are learning to use manners when requesting something (he's always been good at saying "thank you").

The "bad pwace" is a nice tool in my tool belt: after he's finished he can TOTALLY tell you why he was put in there: "Because I scream at Mommy" or "Because I hit Sissy and no say I sorry."

He's the sweetest little critter on the planet, but I am certain that Michael is ready for us to do some travelling, 'cause when he's home Jack sticks to him like glue!! Super glue at that.

Well, it's super late and I have a ton to do tomorrow to get us ready for our trip. If you pray, please remember Michael's grandmother as she's having knee replacement surgery tomorrow, pray for Ethan Powell, Bob needs a job (I haven't forgotten that you haven't responded to my tag, yet) and for the sickies in Houston! :)

Later taters!


MamaRose said...

BLESS ALL YOUR HEARTS & tummies & heads, etc.!!! SO GLAD all of you, but Michael, are feeling BETTER, now! But, sad that you had to postpone your trip--I'm sure you will find it was 'best' for everyone that way. Sure wouldn't want to give GGP's any 'Pink Eye', FOR SURE!!! And, they'll still BE THERE when you DO get to take your trip there.

WAY TO GO in your VBS's--GLAD they're OVER for you, too, though.
Doing too much is NOT worth getting sick--so, maybe next Summer you can just, 'Say No'!!!
It will get done & ya'll won't get sick & after your guilt goes away, you'll be FINE! Just kidding--but, it WILL HELP you all WHEN you can SAY NO & not feel badly--I know. That way you can CHOOSE the things you want to DO THE MOST!!!
LOVE YA'LL!!!!!!!!! Mom

MamaRose said...

SORRY--DIDN'T MEAN TO 'PREACH' to you, there!!!!!!!!! Love, RoRo

Bob Devlin said...

I haven't forgotten. I'm up to #4. Soon. Maybe job soon too. Had a good chat today.

Have a safe trip.