Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Samantha's latest feat...

It's actually related to her feet: she tied both of her shoes today all by herself!! I was getting ready in my room this morning and she comes flying in with both shoes double knotted and as proud of herself as she can be!! I can't vouch for the perfectness of her knot, but I will say that they stayed tied through the entire outing (a birthday party) so that gives her an A in my book!

We called Michael at work so she could tell him and I heard her say, "It makes me feel all grown up!" What a big day for her! Mommy was as proud as she was!!

The birthday boy's mommy took a picture of her when we got there and I am hoping she'll send it to me so I can post it here!


~aj~ said...

What a big accomplishment! Tell her Aunt AJ is super proud as well!

MamaRose said...

WAY TO GO, SAMANTHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I recall, it took QUITE A WHILE for Mr. Matt to figure out HOW to tie his shoes & it happened to be a BABYSITTER we/he had that finally taught him the 'Bunny Rabbit' WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as I know, it STILL ties it shoes THAT WAY!!!!!!!!! BUT, IT WORKS!!!

AND, WHEN they STAY TIED--that's WHEN it WORKS!!!!!!!!! Give Miss Samantha BIG HUG & KISS for us & tell her we said--"WAY TO GO"!!!!!

MamaRose said...

That's UNCLE Matt & HE still ties HIS shoes that way--oops!!!!!