Saturday, January 10, 2009

My newest creation

I blogged earlier about my Christmas project. It actually turned into a Christmas 2009 project, but oh well. When you don't know what you don't have, you can't miss it, right!?

Well, I finally finished Mr. Snowman tonight...maybe 10 minutes ago. I'm so excited about him I can hardly wait another year to use him! We may have to use him in February or something?! ha!

Without further ado...

This has to be one of the most creative things I've ever pulled out of my head. I've made nap mats (with blankets and pillows attached) for the children, but this guy surpased even those. As much effort that I put into this guy, I'm really glad that Pottery Barn was out of their tree calendars!

I hope this is something the kiddos fight over when I die! :)


~aj~ said...

Looks great, Jamie!

hard.rox said...

Well aren't you just the artsy-fartsy one.

Great project and I'm sure the kids will have fond memories of it as the years pass by.

Redlefty said...

Actually she's the artsy one. I'm the...

Roland Denzel said...

Very cute! :)

MamaRose said...

HOW VERY ADORABLE & ya'll & your kiddos will LOVE using it EVERY YEAR/DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, Jack will probably THINK he doesN'T CARE to have it or not--UNTIL he meets his WIFE, who WHEN SHE SEES IT, will TELL him THEY WANT ONE, TOO--so, you might as well be making another one some time BEFORE that--that's my guess, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha!!!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, you put your HEART into it, too--not, just your TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't WAIT to BE WITH ya'll SOON!
MUCH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RoRo