Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've been tagged

My sweet husband tagged me and here are the rules:

  1. When I’m in a time crunch and my hair is greasy, I sprinkle powder at my roots to soak up the oil. I learned this trick in a mom’s magazine and LOVE it.

  2. I’m taking a parenting class on Tuesday mornings at the 2nd Baptist church. The title is something about joyful parenting and I sooo love this class. The focus of the class is on influencing our children instead of controlling them. The point that has stuck with me the most is about not micro-managing my children’s mood, because God doesn’t do that to us. Just look at the psalms for proof that God listens (empathizes) no matter what we feel. If my home isn’t the safe place where Jack and Samantha can’t vent or process their emotions now, where can they do that when they are teenagers?

  3. My hobbies include weight lifting, gardening and reading. None of which I’m really finding time for right now.

  4. One of my self-improvement foci right now is on being prompt to my meetings and time commitments. I have a tendency to just do “one more thing” and make myself late, which annoys me.

  5. I cried at every letter in P.S. I love you. I loved that sweet, sweet movie, except I thought it was kinda creepy at the end that she was going to start a relationship with her husband’s almost twin.

  6. Drinking too many water bottles with the “Crystal Lite on the go” flavor packs gives me MAJOR tummy trouble.

  7. I’m terrible at Wii Mario Kart.

I have to tell you, I'm going to break rule number 3. I'm my loser self and don't really know 7 people on the internet with blogs (other than Michael's friends) so...if you read mine and wanna play, feel free to go for it and post a comment so I can read yours!!

Have a super great week!!


~aj~ said...

It's great to learn some new things about you!

Would you believe with what a cry baby I am that I didn't shed a tear in PS I love you?!

And your parenting class sounds really neat. Keep passing on the good tidbits you learn. :)

Roland Denzel said...

Nice list.

I didn't cry during PS I Love You. Not once. It's would be the ultimate chick flick except for they didn't look at the nether regions with mirrors, like in Fried Green Tomatoes.

I had a hard time with #3, too. I have to pick people that won't be ticked that I tagged them! ;)

RedWifey said...

AJ, that blows my mind!!

Thanks for reading, you guys!

~aj~ said...

You've been tagged again (in case you missed my post yesterday). This one is easy though, I promise!