Sunday, March 15, 2009

A sweet story by my sweet girl

I don't know why this story Samantha wrote made me say, "AWWWW!" but it did. Maybe it was the intricacy of writing the whole thing (she's a bare-bones kinda gal), or the thoughtfulness of returning the bear or the sweet way she misspells things, or the confidence she has in her own writing ability...I don't know. But I loved it and thought I would share it with you.


In case you can't read her writing it says: One day I lost my teddy bear and "I went to the groshry [grocery] sorte [store] and botte [bought] a new one Aftr theat [that] I fond [found] it so, I went back and sood [sold] my new one back."


~aj~ said...

Thanks for sharing!

That is super sweet!

MamaRose said...

I think her story is GREAT & it also SHOWS she KNOWS she can ALREADY 'RETURN' things--THAT'S GREAT--REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WAY TO GO, SAMANTHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!