Monday, September 14, 2009

Catching up

Just so you know, I had Baby Luke 9 days ago! He's beautiful and perfect and every single way! I hope to have time this week to write down the details for posterity's sake. But not tonight.

Today we took Jack to the doctor only to return with no answers. He's been complaining of his right hip hurting for weeks. Being the "tough" parents that we are, we've been compassionate but not overly pro-active about his pain because it hasn't really slowed him down at all. Until this morning...when Michael found him crying on the floor of his room unable to walk. We decided to go to the pediatrician and as soon as I could pull myself outta bed (it wasn't Lukie's best night), I made the appointment. At the doctor's office, you could definitely tell there was a problem so the pedi diagnosised it as "Irritable Hip Syndrome" and made an appointment for us with the best pediatric orthopedist in Houston. They also did some blood work on him and diagnosised that he has a virus. We went to see the orthopedist and they did x-rays that are NORMAL thank goodness. The plan was for us to also have an ultrasound to determine if there's fluid on his hip, but the US tech was gone for the day so we'll do that tomorrow.

If you heard me say today that Jack has Synovitis, please excuse the misdiagnosis. I was under the impression that the hip pain + virus = infection in the hip. But that doesn't seem to be the case. If there is fluid on his hip, they'll do an asperation of it, which means no food after 1 AM tomorrow morning.

If there is no fluid, we're kinda back to the drawing board for a reason for his pain. Thankfully, the orthopedist seems to be interested in really finding out what's going on.

We'll keep you updated...


hard.rox said...

Very interesting symptoms. I hope they figure out the problem quickly and get Jack to his ole pain-free self.

Julie Keen said...

Oh Jamie ... how scary!
Hayley had/has leg pains a lot. We've been the whole bloodwork/x-ray route and the dignosis ended up "growing pains". Hard to deal with but better than having it be something serious. Praying that Jack is just having some growing pains ...

~aj~ said...

Thank you so much for the udpate...we've been worried.

I hope all goes well today and that you get some answers. Give our love to Jacky boy.

MamaRose said...

Well, I'm JUST NOW getting caught up with your/all my blogs--so good to know that you posted about this & everyone knew--TO PRAY for JACK & YA'LL & HIS DOCTORS!!!!!!!!!