Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A GREAT Thanksgiving and beyond

I just have to brag on my kids, 'cause I'm the mom and it's my perogative! I have the best travelers in the WORLD. At 3 years and 17 months, we watched a total of ZERO videos on the 15 hour trip to Kansas, and they were just fine without it. We only stopped twice, once in Dallas and once in Broken Arrow, OK. They were both fairly long stops, but we certainly deserved them, if you ask me!

Once we got there they slept the best they've ever done. It was a great time!

Words to add to Jack's list
  1. Bus
  2. Boat
  3. Adam
  4. Matt
  5. RoRo (Michael's mother's "Grandmother" name)
  6. Ozzie

This evening Michael will post on his blog about his mornings "adventure." November 28 seems to be an adventursome day for us...four years ago today I had our beautiful girl after having my appendex removed.

Speaking of birthday's: Samantha's getting her first doll house today and i can't wait to see the look on her face!! And we got her two play dresses from Gymboree, since she's constantly asking to wear a dress.

Gotta run! Curious George needs to be read!

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