Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bronchitis, vacation, and allergies

Well, it's official: all the coughing and fever at the lake is indeed bronchitis. Tuesday night I started running fever for the second time (it had been a week since I ran it the first time) and was informed that if I didn't agree to go willingly to the after hours clinic that I would be hogtied and forced to go by the three adults surrounding me. Needless to say, I went willingly.

The triage nurse said, "I can hear you wheezing from over hear!" and last night as I was laying in bed Michael could hear the paper-crunching noise emitted as I breathed. Apparently, I really was/am sick! Who woulda thought!? :)

Can I just say that we had the most wonderful time on vacation? The only glitch we as a family unit experienced was Jack's sleep disturbances. Not sure why, but he would wake up and cry out for any number of things: Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, etc, etc. And he would do it for hours!

We've discussed several times: "What was your favorite part?" and I think my absolute favorite part was seeing Samantha enjoy the lake so much. Once she figured out that her life jacket was going to keep her afloat, she must have jumped off the dock into the water 100 times. She loved it! And she was totally set to try tubing behind the boat, but the water was too choppy that evening and it was our last night together so we'll have to try it another time. I LOVE to see her so brave and trying new things especially in the water as it is a pretty big fear of mine.

AJ has all her pictures already up, but I am not nearly as fast as she is. They are downloaded and edited on the desktop, but I am stuck on the couch with my laptop (that bronchitis thing ,you know). Pictures will come soon, I promise!

Tuesday morning was a "testing" appointment for Samantha to look at Fall allergies, and things she tested negatively to last time, and things like cats and dogs. She tested positive for quite a few airborne allergies, cats, and a major one (that she was negative on at 2 years old) was dust mites. He was fairly concerned about her being on the "allergic march" from food allergies, to airborne pollens to respiratory trouble like asthma. But since she's only had one ear infection in two years and no other respiratory illnesses, he was encouraged NOT to put her on the weekly immuno therapy shots.

The kicker of the entire appointment came when Doc casually mentioned her being off her Zyrtec for the testing and I freaked out...I had totally forgotten to discontinue use of her meds. So, let me connect those dots for you: she had major reactions to several things WHILE she's taking her allergy medicine (an adult dose), which should have knocked everything down and suppressed any reaction. It was really sad for me to figure out how allergic she is; I had tears in my eyes for the rest of our discussion.

The other big thing of this appointment was how brave she was. She cried as the nurse scratcher her back and poked her arm, but she NEVER tried to pull away from me and she only screamed once or twice. Once the scratching/poking was done she stopped crying and we went on to watch the movie she'd picked out. She's an AWESOME girl!!

Think that's all from here for now!

Later taters!


~aj~ said...

So sorry to hear that Samantha's allergies are so severe. I know that is a hard thing to deal with. Sending her big hugs!

Feel better soon, Jamie!

MamaRose said...

WELL, you/I THOUGHT you were SICK at the Lake--BLESS YOUR HEART, Jamie--but, SO GLAD you went BACK to a Dr. & got correctly diagnosed & medicine--HOPE you're MUCH BETTER, now!!!!! We surely want to PROTECT our LUNGS--they have so much effect on other body parts & HOW WE FEEL!!!!!!!

And, BLESS Sam's HEART, TOO!!!! I had NO idea she was THAT allergic & on her meds, TOO!!! BUT, I DO believe that you're doing the BEST thing for her & IT WILL HELP--I still believe that ALL Matt's shots--for over a year--helped him!
So, I guess that means she 'got' it 'from' OUR FAMILY--sorry!!!!!

Who knows? Maybe with all her interactions with Doctors, she may decide to work in the Medical 'field' as her career!!!!! That's how a LOT of Doctors/Nurses, etc. decide.

And, you're EXACTLY RIGHT about your cats--IF you NEED to get rid of them--she WILL miss them, but only for a while--especially if/when she starts FEELING BETTER & you all will have good memories!!
And, MAYBE you can get a non-allergic doggie--like ours are!!!

Tell her, for/from us, that we're SO VERY PROUD of what a VERY BRAVE girl she is--having these painful tests at such a YOUNG age!!! Jesus is WITH HER & we're praying for her, TOO!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!