Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Lord Jesus Christ

For several weeks Samantha and Jack have been leading our prayer for supper, most of the time it's a chain prayer minus the chain. Samantha has added two different and cute phrases into hers and Jack is now copying Sissy. "Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ" and "Thank you for this food that nourishes our bodies." Thank goodness she doesn't say "Father God" otherwise you all might think we've become Baptists! :)

Not until yesterday were we really ready for school to start. I don't know what changed, but I felt like it happened for both Samantha and me. We've had a really good summer together, but now it's time for Mommy to have a little Mommy-time and Sissy to have some Sissy-time.

Until yesterday, I was fighting charges on Jack's medical bills from the intusesseption back in April. I finally got someone to tell me what two charges were, they had different (but similar) names cost the same. Come to find out we paid $567 for Barium and $567 for the Enema...for three vials of barium we paid $567. I find that to be excessive especially since on the 2nd time we had the procedure it was done with air which thankfully cost us nothing (the air, that is). So, yesterday I was ALL HOT and BOTHERED, until it dawned on me that we had charges well over our deductible (amazing considering how high our deductible is) so we would have paid that money anyway, whether it was for Barium or Doctors or Medicine, it's still $$ out of our pocket. So I have officially relented and am going to leave this topic alone until next year when we have to start our deductible again.

I recently finished "The Kite Runner" and I really enjoyed reading it. The subject matter was tough for me, but seeing the main character find redemption was rewarding. It taught me some more about Middle Eastern culture...of which I know very little.

Now I've moved on the Harry Potter -- The Half Blooded Prince so that I can remember what happened before I move on to the final book. Michael got book 7 for his birthday, but if he doesn't get busy reading it, I'll have to steal it off his nightstand!

Praying, part deux
Baby Ethan seems to be struggling pretty good right now. If you pray, would you please include him in your prayers.

Later taters!


~aj~ said...

I'm glad you liked Kite Runner. I've got it on my reading list. I know you'll like the new was great!

The kids are so cute with their prayers! I love it!

MamaRose said...

Kids repeat prayers, too, like their 'other words' & find out LATER what they MEAN!!!!
I haven't read KR, yet--may have to look that one up.
The GREAT THING is that both of your kids are ALREADY PRAYING!!!!!
WAY TO GO!!!!! LOVE YA'LL!!! Mom